Ohio's Indian Removal
When we think of the 19th-century US policy of relocating Native Americans from the East to the far side of the Mississippi River, we usually think of the Native nations of the South. However, it happened in the North as well.
By clicking on the headings above, you can explore the controversial removal of the Shawnee and Wyandot nations through documents and objects from the first half of the 19th century. EXILED: OHIO’S INDIAN REMOVAL considers the arguments, among both Native peoples and white settlers, over whether the two could ever live as neighbors.
This website is based on the physical exhibit that ran at the Heritage Village Museum from April 28 through December 1, 2017. We intend to add more material to this site in the future.
Sharon Woods Park
11450 Lebanon Road
Sharonville, Ohio 45241
Phone: 513-563-9484